“Civil war is thinkable, when the alternative is extinction!” - Dr. Pierce
Are you a conservative or a revolutionary? Before you answer this
question, lets look at the definitions.
Conservative: Disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc. To limit change.
Revolutionary: A person who takes part in a complete and forcible
overthrow and replacement of an established government or political system.
Now, take a look at our current racial situation, if there is not a
major change in society, our race will become extinct. The U.S. government is at the forefront of our genocide, and we are financing it (taxes). Its not just affecting American whites, but our government policies and the Jewish poison being pumped out of Hollywood are having destructive results on the white race around the world. The U.S government more than any other government in history, must be dismantled if we are to survive as a people and give a future to our children.
I’m not saying we need to march on Washington (just yet). That would hasten our demise. Mau Tse Tung stated “No revolution happens before its time”. So is the time right? NO! It is each and every one of our responsibilities to make the time right. It is either us or them in this fight. Our future or theirs? Our children or theirs? The choice is yours. Will you be a man and secure the future for our race? Or will you sit on the sideline and do nothing? How does a man of honor resist this evil juggernaut without spending the rest of his life in prison? Dr. Pierce once said “The Jews are building a house out of cards, and with the right wind it can be blown down.”
How do we create the wind that blows the house of cards down?
The first step is public education. We must awaken our people to their plight. There are already many avenues to doing this, and many writings on how to reach out to our people. So I don’t want to beat a dead horse, just spread the word anyway you can. By mouth, flyers, stickers, radio, billboard, websites, etc. Whatever it takes to get the message out. Be persistent, and don’t let the sun go down without doing something to spread the word.
I remember reading an editorial by Tom Metzger when he received a
letter from a black stating “ I want a race war so I can kill all you white pussies”. Mr. Metzger’s brilliant response was “Help us get big brother out of the picture, cause that’s the only thing saving your black asses.”
So this is it, we need to drag big brother down. We need to hit them where it counts…. in the pocket book. As well as many other strategic blows. No one move is going to bring the house down. We must do whatever it takes to buy our race time.
I know many racialist who are punching the system in the nose, and
getting their hard earned and lost money (taxes) back by getting on welfare, social security, food stamps, free health insurance, free education and other government programs, but still manage to work full time jobs tax free. They are really good at being bad citizens. Are they white trash? I call them revolutionaries. The government spends far more than it can ever bring in.
We need to add to this debt because eventually the taxes will become so high, that Americans will refuse to pay them and REBEL.
There is a very good book that I recommend to everyone who wants to
resist. It is called The Freedom Outlaws Handbook, 179 Things to do to until the Revolution. By Claire Wolfe. This is available at
This book is packed with ideas on how everyone can get involve in the revolution. You can choose simple day to day activity, to the more risky. Other must reads for the revolutionary are , The Turner Diaries
, the movie Michael Collins and The War of the Flea
With this ammunition in your war chest you will now have enough
information to bring down the house.

Civil War II PDF
Are you a conservative or a revolutionary? Before you answer this
question, lets look at the definitions.
Conservative: Disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc. To limit change.
Revolutionary: A person who takes part in a complete and forcible
overthrow and replacement of an established government or political system.
Now, take a look at our current racial situation, if there is not a
major change in society, our race will become extinct. The U.S. government is at the forefront of our genocide, and we are financing it (taxes). Its not just affecting American whites, but our government policies and the Jewish poison being pumped out of Hollywood are having destructive results on the white race around the world. The U.S government more than any other government in history, must be dismantled if we are to survive as a people and give a future to our children.
I’m not saying we need to march on Washington (just yet). That would hasten our demise. Mau Tse Tung stated “No revolution happens before its time”. So is the time right? NO! It is each and every one of our responsibilities to make the time right. It is either us or them in this fight. Our future or theirs? Our children or theirs? The choice is yours. Will you be a man and secure the future for our race? Or will you sit on the sideline and do nothing? How does a man of honor resist this evil juggernaut without spending the rest of his life in prison? Dr. Pierce once said “The Jews are building a house out of cards, and with the right wind it can be blown down.”
How do we create the wind that blows the house of cards down?
The first step is public education. We must awaken our people to their plight. There are already many avenues to doing this, and many writings on how to reach out to our people. So I don’t want to beat a dead horse, just spread the word anyway you can. By mouth, flyers, stickers, radio, billboard, websites, etc. Whatever it takes to get the message out. Be persistent, and don’t let the sun go down without doing something to spread the word.
I remember reading an editorial by Tom Metzger when he received a
letter from a black stating “ I want a race war so I can kill all you white pussies”. Mr. Metzger’s brilliant response was “Help us get big brother out of the picture, cause that’s the only thing saving your black asses.”
So this is it, we need to drag big brother down. We need to hit them where it counts…. in the pocket book. As well as many other strategic blows. No one move is going to bring the house down. We must do whatever it takes to buy our race time.
I know many racialist who are punching the system in the nose, and
getting their hard earned and lost money (taxes) back by getting on welfare, social security, food stamps, free health insurance, free education and other government programs, but still manage to work full time jobs tax free. They are really good at being bad citizens. Are they white trash? I call them revolutionaries. The government spends far more than it can ever bring in.
We need to add to this debt because eventually the taxes will become so high, that Americans will refuse to pay them and REBEL.
There is a very good book that I recommend to everyone who wants to
resist. It is called The Freedom Outlaws Handbook, 179 Things to do to until the Revolution. By Claire Wolfe. This is available at
This book is packed with ideas on how everyone can get involve in the revolution. You can choose simple day to day activity, to the more risky. Other must reads for the revolutionary are , The Turner Diaries
, the movie Michael Collins and The War of the Flea
With this ammunition in your war chest you will now have enough
information to bring down the house.

Civil War II PDF
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