White Scum & their wicked ways

Read this anarchists hate mail to the Minuteman Project!
You people are nuts!!! If you have nothing better to do than spend your days watching a small area of the Mexican/American border, I suggest you get a job, go to school, hell if you think you are part of the solution run for office. I live in a border town in Arizona, and yes there are hundreds of illegal's that enter this country every day. Does it bother me? No, Not at all. Let them cross the border. Those immigrants that you don't want here are willing to do the job that your unemployed, poverty stricken, food stamp getting, lazy, prime time trailer park trash AMERICAN refused to do. Don't pass judgment on a race that you only have seen from your post. God is the only one that can judge and even his day has yet to come. Put your self in their shoes. Go live their lives in their country; than and only than should you attempt to say it is wrong to let them into our country. I have lived in their country, walked in their shoes, and struggled along side of them. They deserve to be able to make enough money to support their families just like any one else. Face it, this is more about race than immagration. White people have become the minority in this country and people like you just can't stand that, so you set up your camps and tend your post because there is no stopping them, and I send out a cheer for every "1 in 4" that make it across.
White and Ashamed
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