
TOP STORY, Blog updates below.

February 24th, Volksfront, along with local racialists will be hosting a day-long conference in the St. Louis area.

There will be several speakers, a dinner, and some smaller activities throughout the day. The purpose of the conference is to promote unity amongst folk with similar views, standard, and morals, and establish networking with individual racialists and other groups.
The main goal of the conference is for everyone to have a better understanding of how to attain victory or at least how to sustain ourselves as a community in the mean time. We’ve held similar events as this one in the past and the main question afterwards is "what do we do now?" This conference should answer those questions for everyone. Most people within the cause know why they are in it and what they are fighting for/fighting against. The majority of people involved can read off all kinds of statistics, tell you who runs the media, and tell you all about the fabrications of history. The problem is, most people within the cause do not know what to do with all this knowledge. We hope to remedy that problem with this conference. The program theme of our event will be the different avenues people are using to gain victory. Whether it is personal development, street activism, political campaigning, or more survivalist type activism. All of this and more will be discussed at the conference. No one way has proven to be the right or wrong way. All these different programs of activism need to be explored, discussed, and if found to be the most suitable for you, put into effect. Everyone at this event will walk away with the knowledge to change the wrongs that are currently being committed against our folk. What we are offering is many people throughout history have chosen to ignore, a way to better our community and secure a future for our children. The one excuse Joe Schmoe on the street has for his lack of pride and for not doing anything is that he has had the wool pulled over his eyes. You have already chosen not to be brainwashed and not to be counted in as one of the millions of zombies living in a matrix. But what’s worse, to not do anything because you don’t know there’s a problem or to know there’s a problem and consistently choose not to do anything. We think you know the answer to this.
Several vendors will be setting up tables to provide a multitude of merchandise, from CD’s to books to videos. As of now we have 10 different vendors committed to setting up. We will also be providing snacks and refreshments throughout the day with a dinner at night, along with live entertainment while you’re eating. We will be having raffles and giving out an info packets at the door filled with bios of the speakers, fliers for the vendors, articles on activism. We will also be video taping this event and offering it on DVD afterwards for a very nominal price.
The event itself will be held in a very safe and professional manner with tremendous detail being paid to security. All the precautions we are taking are for your safety and the security of the venue. This isn’t the first event we’ve held, the experience will show at the conference.
If you would like to be notified of any changes in the conference, you can e-mail us at victoryconference@yahoo.com and we will update you periodically. You can send any questions to this e-mail also. If you would like to pre-order tickets you can send well concealed cash or a BLANK POSTAL MONEY ORDER to:

PO Box 782
Bridgeton, Mo 63044

The price goes as follows:

$35 per person on the day of the event.
$30 in advance for one person
$50 per couple

If your group or org. would like to purchase 8 or more tickets, email us with the details along with a phone # and we can discuss a price break.
Here is a list of speakers and vendors who have committed as of yet. There will be more added in time.

Paul Fromm from Canada
Doug Hanks, Author of the Patriot Act and AR 15 Workbench Project
Chris from Arkansas
Mike L. from The Christian Guard/ Aryan Nations
Steven Boswell from the NSM
Billy Roper from White Revolution

ROA Publications
Volksfront International
National Socialist Movement
Nationalist Coalition
Paul Fromm…. Book, DVD’s, etc…
Doug Hanks….The Patriot Act, and AR15, Signing books
The Christian Guard/ Aryan Nations

We also have Local vendors committed to selling books, cd’s, dvd’s etc…

We hope to see all of you come out for this. We are confident this event will set a new precedent for our cause and move us onward to victory.


Stormfront.org/WhiteRevolution Victory Achievement Conference Threads

If you are not on Stormfront or another WN Forum get involved or get informed by these internet communities setup and run by White Nationalists. These threads are very important to the success of our event, get to work!

Stormfront thread

White Revolution Thread


LWB BLOG 50th Post

Thanks everyone for helping Local White Boy Grow, 2007 will be a great year for us!

Media Contacts

Local St Louis Media Contacts, want to email the editors of St. Louis Jewish Light and tell them your sick of Israels involvement in US Middle East Policy, or tell the staff of KFTK 97.1 FM that you will not listen anymore to their Neo-Con Hosts. Get to work!

Local St Louis

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Iranian nuclear scientist ‘assassinated by Mossad’

A PRIZE-WINNING Iranian nuclear scientist has died in mysterious circumstances, according to Radio Farda, which is funded by the US State Department and broadcasts to Iran.

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Viking Metal Amon Amarth

Raise your drinking horn, and swig your mead.

Support these White Men